With the 4T Prosperity Program when you change your mind you change your life!
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With the 4T Prosperity Program, when you change your mind you change your life!
The 4T Ministry’s mission is to teach others to put God first in all that they do, in order to experience miracles and change lives. It is the promise of Jesus fulfilled!
The 4T Prosperity Program is a 12-week, church-facilitated, spiritual program dedicated to the idea of living an abundant life! It will help participants feel:
Free of the feeling of fear and insecurity.
Free of thoughts of lack and limitation.
Centered in the abundance of God.
When that connection with God is made, wondrous events occur…
* Available in CD & MP3 formats in English. The original “purple version” is also available on CD in Español
The Reverend Stretton Mullen Smith
Rev. Smith was raised in the Episcopal tradition. As a young adult he became an agnostic. Originally from Arizona, he graduated from Stanford University and went on to work for more than 30 years as a senior executive in the corporate world. It wasn’t until his late 50’s that he had his epiphany. In one instantaneous moment he knew that God is, that God is within each of us and that God’s major power is Love. He discovered the Unity movement shortly thereafter and began studying Truth Principles. He decided to devote his life to teaching others and embarked on a path to becoming a Unity minister.
Ordained by the Association of Unity Churches, Stretton served as Associate Minister at Christ Unity Church in Sacramento and then as Minister at the Unity Church of the Monterey Peninsula. As a well-known Unity minister, he began teaching students about the riches that God holds in store for each of us, and from there he formulated the ideas of what was to become the 4T Prosperity Program.
“Having taught thousands of 4T students, I can say that not only is 4T the most effective prosperity program I have encountered, but that it is the single most effective church program of any kind. And it just keeps getting stronger with age.”
Rev. Greg Barrette Unity Northwest Church
“4T will jump start your whole congregation. Yes, there are several prosperity classes available and we have experimented with them all. To my way of thinking, 4T is the most permanent and most effective in shifting consciousness. Some might say that a 12-week program is too long, and yet, the length of the program is the very reason consciousness is shifted in a more complete and long-lasting way.”
Rev. Maureen Hoyt Center for Spiritual Living Westlake Village
“The 4T Prosperity Program has been a longstanding ingredient of Unity on the Bay’s educational ministry. It has benefited us in terms of the prosperity consciousness of our members and friends, as well as our entire community. At the same time, it introduces participants to an outstanding overview of Unity principles that helps them navigate through any life challenge.”