The 4T Prosperity Program© is a 12-week course with proven results, a powerful support system, and a 100% money back guarantee by the sponsoring church.
It enables people to change their consciousness and experience a deeper spiritual awareness, loving relationships, financial security, job satisfaction, creative ideas, improved self-esteem, and better physical health. Each student realizes a shift in perspective when he/she realizes there is plenty of time, talent and treasure to give and receive. And this newly found awareness creates a sense of trust that they have the ability to manifest all they long for.
During the 12 weeks, each student commits to:
- attend church services and 4T classes weekly.
- meditate daily on the ideas of prosperity.
- volunteer for work with his/her church or some other non-profit organization.
- tithe 10% of his/her income to their church.
The participating ministry also commits by guaranteeing that the student will be wholly satisfied; that is, that the student’s life is guaranteed to be more abundant at the end of 12 weeks, or the entire tithe will be refunded, upon request.
Dual modality learning system
The 4T Program includes Individual recordings on CD and a word-for-word transcript of each lesson in an accompanying workbook. The course uses both modalities, hearing and seeing, simultaneously, for deeper understanding. The course consists of twelve, two-hour classes which encompass:
- listening to and reading the lesson.
- sharing of successes,
- discussion about the lesson,
- intentions set in small prayer groups,
- weekly tithing.
The length of the course gives each student a sufficient amount of time to assimilate the basic prosperity principles into consciousness and to have those principles expressed in his/her own life.
Price per set: $49.50 *
* 12 CDs / Downloadable MP3s, Word for Word Text, & Activities Workbook